CCC Model Paper

CCC Model Paper with it’s Solution

81. A………shares hardware, software, and data among authorized users.
A. network
B. protocol
C. hyperlink
D. transmitter
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

82. A set of step-by-step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n)—
A. algorithm
B. hardware program
C. software bug
D. firmware program
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

83. The main directory of a disk is called
A. root
B. sub
C. folder
D. network
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

84. The physical arrangement of elements
on a page is referred to as a
A. features
B. format
C. pagination
D. grid
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

85. =SUM (B1 : B8) is an example of a—
A. function
B. formula
C. cell address
D. value
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

86. Which of the following storage media provides sequential access only ?
A. Floppy disk
B. Magnetic disk
C. Magnetic tape
D. Optical disk
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

87. Compilers and translators are one form of—
C. Hard disk
D. Software
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]

88. Data representation is based on the………number system, which uses two numbers to represent all data.
A. binary
B. biometric
C. bicentennial
D. byte
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

89. The most common input devices include—
A. Monitor and keyboard
B. Monitor and mouse
C. Mouse and keyboard
D. Printer and mouse
[toggle] Answer – C[/toggle]

90. What is the storage area for e-mail messages called ?
A. A folder
B. A directory
C. A mailbox
D. The hard disk
[toggle] Answer – C[/toggle]

91. A desktop computer is also known as a:
A. Palm Pilot
C. Laptop
D. Mainframe
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

92. What is the intersection of a column
and a row on a worksheet called ?
A. Column
B. Value
C. Address
D. Cell
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]

93. ………are often delivered to a PC
through an e-mail attachment and are
often designed to do harm.
A. Viruses
B. Spam
C. Portals
D. Email messages
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

94. What is the storage area for e-mail
messages called ?
A. A folder
B. A directory
C. A mailbox
D. The hard disk
[toggle] Answer – C[/toggle]

95. A desktop computer is also known as a:
A. Palm Pilot
C. Laptop
D. Mainframe
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

96. In a spreadsheet, a………is a numberyou will use in a calculation.
A. label
B. cell
C. field
D. value
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]

97. All are included in removable media except the following—
B. Diskette
D. High disk drive
(E) None of these
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]

98. In table in excel, there are typical labels alongwith……
A. Letters
B. Numbers
C. Names
D. Formulae
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

99. To delete one word to the right
[toggle] Answer – C[/toggle]

100. The secondary storage memory is also called as
A. Auxiliary Memory
B. Attractive Memory
C. Chip Memory
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

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