CCC Solved Paper

CCC Solved Paper August 2018

Course on Computer Concepts(CCC) Solved Paper August 2018

1. First Computer is
A. Abacus
B. Calculator
C. Anatur
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

2. CD stands for
A. Compact Disk
B. Computer disk
C. Connector
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

3.AMD stands for
A. Advantage Micro Distance
B. And Mad Dam
C. Advanced Micro Devices
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – C [/toggle]

4. CD-R stands for
A. Compact Disk – Recordable
B. Collect Data – Radium
C. Color Data – Ring
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

5. OMR stands for
A. Optical Mark Reader
B. Optical Mark Reading
C. Optical Mark Radar
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

6. LAN stands for
A. Local Area Network
B. Limited Area Network
C. Limit And Notice
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

7. WWW stands for
A. World Wide Web
B. World Wide Websites
C. World Wider Webs
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

8. TB Stands for
A. Tina Byte
B. Terra Byte
C. Team Byte
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – B[/toggle]

9. What is the full form of BIOS
A. Basic Input Output System
B. BIO Settlement
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

10. What is the short key for COPY
A. ctrl +B
B. ctrl + C
C. ctrl + A
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

11. What is the short key for CUT
A. ctrl + X
B. ctrl + C
C. ctrl + M
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

12. What is the short key for PASTE
A. ctrl + V
B. ctrl + A
C. ctrl +B
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

13. What is the short key for BOLD
A. ctrl + C
B. ctrl +Z
C. ctrl + A
D. ctrl +B
[toggle] Answer – D [/toggle]

14. What is the short key for Help
A. F4
B. F2
C. F1
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – c [/toggle]

15. What is the short key for search
A F2
B. F3
C. F4
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – D [/toggle]

16. What is the short key for REBOOT
A. ctrl + Alt + Del
B. Alt + Del
C. Del
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

17. What is the short key for HYPERLINK
A. ctrl + K
B. G
C. K
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

18. What is the short key for GO-TO menu in MS-Word
B. A
C. b
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

19. What is the short key for Insertion of a new slide in MS-PowerPoint?
A. ctrl + INSERT
B. ctrl+N
C. ctrl + o
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]

20. ASCII stands for –
A. American Standard Code For Information Interchange
B. American Standard Code For Inter Interchange
C. Australia Standard Code For Inter Interchange
D. None of the above
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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