HP Police Sub Inspector 2019 Solved Paper

HP Police Sub Inspector 2019 Solved Paper

141. कालका-शिमला रेलवे-लाइन की कुल लम्बाई है।
(A) 92.5 km 
(B) 96.5 km 
(C) 103 km 
(D) 107 km 
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

142. सुकेती जीवाश्म उद्यान हि.प्र. के किस जिले में स्थित है ? 
(A) मंडी 
(B) चम्बा 
(C) किन्नौर 
(D) सिरमौर 
[toggle]Answer – (D)[/toggle]

143. केंद्रीय आलू अनुसंधान संस्थान हि.प्र. के किस जिले में स्थित है।
(A) शिमला 
(B) हमीरपुर 
(C) मंडी 
(D) कांगड़ा
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

144. ‘संजय विद्युत परियोजना’ हि.प्र. के किस जिले में है ?
(A) कुल्लू 
(B) चम्बा 
(C) किन्नौर
(D) कांगड़ा 
[toggle]Answer – (C)[/toggle]

145. ‘लज्जो’ पुस्तक किसने लिखी ? 
(A) डॉ. वाय.एस. परमार 
(B) शांता कुमार 
(C) रंजोर सिंह 
(D) देव राज शर्मा
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

English Section 

Directions : (Q. 146 to 150) : Choose the most appropriate option out of the four given alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D) to fill in the blank.

146. The centralisation of both political and economic powers has been continuing ________ independence. 
(A) from 
(B) for 
(C) since 
(D) by 
[toggle]Answer – (C)[/toggle]

147. The judge recommended a severe punishment so that he ______ from drinking in future.
(A) desisted 
(B) avoided 
(C) withdrew 
(D) recoiled 
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

148. It has been observed that income ______ widened between urban and rural areas.
(A) accretion 
(B) tax 
(C) disparity 
(D) deviation 
[toggle]Answer – (C)[/toggle]

149. Coins are made in the ______ .
(A) mint 
(B) smithy 
(C) granary 
(D) arsenal 
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

150. She was standing laughing ______ a crowd of journalists. 
(A) among 
(B) between 
(C) in
(D) with 
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

Directions (Q. 151 to 155) : Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom/phrase out of the four alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D).

151. To rest on one’s laurels
(A) to depend on one’s fame
(B) to be a parasite
(C) to retire from active life 
(D) to crave for popularity 
[toggle]Answer – (C)[/toggle]

152. To meet one half-way 
(A) to meet a person on the way 
(B) to come to a compromise with one in 
(C) to half-hearted agreement
(D) to apologize 
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

153. To have an old head on young shoulders
(A) to have grey hair 
(B) to be wise beyond one’s years 
(C) a braggart
(D) a person with too much responsibility 
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

154. Nigger in the woodpile
(A) to inhabit in forest 
(B) a serious disease 
(C) an honest person 
(D) something that spoils a good thing 
[toggle]Answer – (D)[/toggle]

155. To have a jaundice eye
(A) to have jaundice 
(B) to have fever
(C) to be prejudiced
(D) to lose
[toggle]Answer – (C)[/toggle]

Directions (Q. 156 to 160) : Choose the word out of four alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D) which is opposite in meaning to the given word

156. Feeble
(A) weak 
(B) robust 
(C) meek 
(D) emaciated
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

157. Ghastly
(A) pleasant 
(B) frightful 
(C) spectral 
(D) horrible 
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

158. Curb
(A) help 
(B) incite 
(C) restrain 
(D) aggravate 
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

159. Overt
(A) secret 
(B) open 
(C) copy 
(D) divert 
[toggle]Answer – (A)[/toggle]

160. Deviate
(A) stray 
(B) conform
(C) abide 
(D) change 
[toggle]Answer – (B)[/toggle]

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