H.P. Prisons & Correctional Services

HP Prison Warder Solved Paper 2019

61 ‘गाँठ में बँधना’
(A) मजबूती से पकड़ना
(B) गठन बाँधना
(C) खूब याद रखना
(D) दुश्मनी रखना
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]

62 ‘खून सूखना-
(A) डर जाना
(B) कमजोर होना
(C) रोक के कारण रक्ताल्पता होना
(D) बुढापा आना
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

63. ‘प्रसंग’ का विशेषण है –
(A) प्रशंसा
(B) प्रासंगिक
(C) प्रसंगिक
(D) प्रसंगीक
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

64. ‘निर्भय’ कौन सा समास है –
(A) अव्ययी भाव
(B) द्वन्द्व
(C) तत्पुरुष
(D) बहुव्रीहि
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

65. ‘पिता जी ने कहा कि तुम घर चले जाओ। वाक्य में कौन सा शब्द सर्वनाम् को इंगित करता है?
(A) पिता जी
(B) तुम
(C) घर
(D) जाओ
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

66. किस शब्द का अर्थ अन्य तीन शब्दों से भिन्न है:
(A) पत्र
(B) पल्लव
(C) प्रस्तर
(D) एता
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]

67. ‘दूध गाढ़ा है’-
वाक्य में प्रयुक्त विशेषण है
(A) संख्यावाचक
(B) परिमाणवाचक
(C) सार्वनामिक
(D) गुणवाचक
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

68. ‘धनवती का पुल्लिंग है –
(A) धनवानी
(B) धनाड्य
(C) धनवान
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]


Directions: Choose the correctly spelt words from the given alternatives A, B, C & D:
(A) Equalibrium
(B) Equalibreum
(C) Equilibrium
(D) Equillibrium
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]

(A) Scanerio
(B) Senario
(C) Scenerio
(D) Scenario
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

irections: Choose the word which is synonym of the word (in meaning) printed in capital letters from the given alternativ& D:

(A) Thirst
(B) Disorder
(C) Baffle
(D) Frustration
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

(A) Dress
(B) Attitude
(C) Quality
(D) Attract
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

Directions: Each of the following idioms has four responses. Choose the correct meaning from the four given alternative:
73. To win hands down:
(A) win after struggle
(B) win without trouble
(C) to lose
(D) win with a big margin
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

74. To put heart and soul:
(A) work with dedication
(B) to be lazy
(C) work half-heartedly
(D) to be idle
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

75 Break one’s neck:
(A) Working very hard to complete the job
(B) Giving cruel treatment
(C) Giving cruel death
(D) Involved in a crime
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

76. A piece of cake:
(A) Achieving little success despite hard work
(B) Something very easy to accomplish
(C) very good achievement
(D) Person having impressive personality
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

77. Nip something in the bud:
(A) To make use of opportunities
(B) To fulfill big dreams by all means
(C) To destroy something before it develops into something larger
(D) To help someone in bad times
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]

Directions: find the correct antonym word from four responses.

(A) Big
(B) Dwarf
(C) Huge
(D) Great
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

(A) Plenty
(B) Bad
(C) Beautiful
(D) Famous
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

(A) Praise
(B) Analyse
(C) Observe
(D) Criticise
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions by choosing from the four given alternative A, B, C & D:

81. He beat the boy_____ a stick
(A) with
(B) of
(C) by
(D) at
[toggle] Answer- A [/toggle]

82. She is sick _____her life.
(A) with
(B) from
(C) of
(D) by
[toggle] Answer- C [/toggle]

83. I can write a book _____grammar.
(A) about
(B) of
(C) in
(D) on
[toggle] Answer- D [/toggle]

84. Our clothes were soaked_____water.
(A) under
(B) in
(C) on
(D) with
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]

85. I bought this shirt_______50% discount
(A) on
(B) at
(C) by
(D) in
[toggle] Answer- B [/toggle]


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HPPSC Allied Services Solved Question Paper: 2019

Pages: 1 2 3 4

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