11. Which of the following committee advocated the Fundamental Duties in the Indian constitution?
A. Verma Committee
B. Sarkaria Committee
C. Balwantrai Mehta Committee
D. Swarn Singh Committee
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]
12. Which of the following is not the Fundamental Duty?
A. Safeguarding public property
B. To obey the parents
C. To make compulsory education to children of 6 to 14 years
D. To spread brotherhood among the people
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]
13. Which Constitutional Amendment Act was passed to provide compulsory education to children between 6 and 14 years?
A. 82nd
B. 83rd
C. 86th
D. 84th
[toggle] Answer – C [/toggle]
14. Which among the following does not come under Fundamental Duties of a citizen in India?
A. To protect and Improve Natural Environment
B. To develop scientific temper, humanism, and spirit of inquiry and reform
C. To strive towards the abolition of untouchability
D. All are comes under fundamental duties
[toggle] Answer – C [/toggle]
15. Which section comes under Fundamental duties?
A. social sanction
B. moral sanction
C. political sanction
D. legal sanction
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]
17.Protection of which one of the following is a fundamental duty in India?
A. Village Panchayat
B. National Flag
C. Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
D. Wildlife
[toggle] Answer – B [/toggle]
18. The defective principles of state policy are directly concerned with
A. preamble
B. Fundamental duties
C. Fundamental rights
D. None
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]
19. How many duties were in the original constitution(when the constitution was created)?
A. Eight
B. Ten
C. Four
D. Zero
[toggle] Answer – D[/toggle]
20. 11th fundamental duty was added in :
A. 1976
B. 2001
C. 2002
D. 2003
[toggle] Answer – C [/toggle]