31. What is the actual strength of Rajya Sabha?
A. 250
B. 235
C. 240
D. 245
[toggle] Answer – D [/toggle]
32. What is the meaning of the word Quorum?
A. Minimum number of members required to be present in the House before it can transact any type of business
B. Maximum number of members allowed in any given session
C. The discipline of maintaining the decorum in the House
D. Quorum means approval of the majority members present during the sitting
[toggle] Answer – A
Explanation: Quorum means the minimum number of members required to be present in the House before it can transact any type of business. For Lok Sabha, this number is 55, while for Rajya Sabha this number is 25.[/toggle]
33. How many members retire from Rajya Sabha every second year.
A. 1/3
B. 1/5
C. 1/2
D. 2/3
[toggle] Answer – A [/toggle]
34. Which among the following statements is/are NOT true?
1. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the one who presides over a joint sitting of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
2. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha and the Speaker of Lok Sabha both have the authority to decide whether a bill is a money bill or not
3. The President of India is the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha
4. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha is also considered to be a member of Rajya Sabha, in the same way, that the Speaker of Lok Sabha is a member of Lok Sabha too
A. 2,3 and 4
B. 1,3 and 4
C. 2 and 3
D. All of the above
[toggle] Answer – D [/toggle]
35. What are the three types of questions asked in the Question Hour?
A. Starred, Unstarred, Short notice
B. Very very important, very important, important
C. Starred, Unstarred, Emergency
D. Expert, Professional, Detailed
[toggle] Answer – A
Explanation: Starred questions require oral answers and they can be followed by supplementary questions.
Unstarred questions are the ones that need written answers, and because of this, they are not followed by supplementary questions
Short notice questions are those questions that are asked by giving a notice of less than 10 days. They require an oral answer. [/toggle]
36. Which among the following statements is/are NOT true about the Public Bill?
A. Generally, it has a better chance of approval than the Private Bill
B. Public Bill is introduced by a minister in the Parliament
C. Notice period for introduction of Bill is one month
D. A Public Bill demonstrates the policies of the ruling party government
[toggle] Answer – C
Explanation: Notice period for the introduction of the Bill is 7 days. The notice period of one month is required for a Private Bill. [/toggle]